Lion’s Paw Marketing and Inovo Studios

Atlanta, Georgia

Lion's Paw Marketing specializes in promoting product launches and creating ad campaigns. Inovo Designs is a top digital marketing and design company.
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Digital marketing firms Lion’s Paw Marketing and Inovo Studios frequently partner on projects. When they decided to co-host a webinar series targeting small to mid-sized businesses, they needed a landing page to attract attendees.

The three-day webinar would be focused on helping these businesses create a sales script and standard proposal, something that many small businesses owners struggle to do. With those two items optimized, businesses can greatly increase sales.


Both Lion’s Paw Marketing and Inovo Studios could handle the design aspect of the landing page. But they needed help in writing the copy. They turned to Susan Greene, a landing page copywriter, to come up with the messaging.


Susan wrote the copy to promote the webinar series, which was titled, “Signature Sales Script 3-Day Challenge.” The landing page copy touched on all the key points — who should attend the webinar, the benefits they could expect from learning the material, the subjects the webinar would cover, who the instructors were and more. It was important that prospects clearly see the value in the webinar material and sign up.

The landing page was posted on Facebook and Instagram as sponsored ads where it was shown to a targeted audience. Lion’s Paw Marketing and Inovo Designs intend to create additional webinars in the future and have said they intend to look to Susan again for copywriting of any marketing materials. 

Here's what the client said about the copy:

Looks GREAT!

Hi Susan. The copy for the Signature Sales Script landing page looks GREAT! Love it!

Jake Marfoglia
Lion's Paw Marketing
Atlanta, Georgia

Let's Talk

Do you need a landing page to promote a webinar or your company's products and services? Work with a professional landing page copywriter.

Contact Susan Greene, copywriter, today!
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