The Storm Elite girls lacrosse team getting ready to compete at ESPN’s Wide Word of Sports
I know when you signed up for this blog, you expected all the posts to be about copywriting and marketing. But every now and then, I feel like taking a brief departure to write about a different topic that’s been on my mind. Thank you for indulging me.
This post is about my 16-year-old daughter Katie, a high school junior who is also a competitive lacrosse player. She frequently participates in tournaments and hopes to eventually play at the college level.graduation.
My daughter Katie is the girl in the white top for whom gravity does not exist.
I love the fact that my daughter is an athlete. When I was a kid, opportunities for girls’ athletics were extremely limited. In the younger grades, recess was used for jump rope and often games as unathletic as jacks. As a high school girl I took the one year of mandatory PE, a class in modern dance, which I enjoyed, but I can’t remember ever breaking a sweat.
I envied the boys in my classes and in my neighborhood who had opportunities to play Little League baseball and basketball at the local rec center. Even if girls would have been allowed, I lacked the training (and natural ability, if I’m being honest) to have been welcomed on any team.
Katie is in blue
For that reason, it was my dream that if I became a parent and had a daughter someday, she would have opportunities to play team sports. I say with great pride, that dream has come true, and I am Katie’s biggest cheerleader.
A few weeks ago we attended the three-day Girls’ Lacrosse President’s Cup at ESPN’s Wide World of Sports in Orlando, Florida. It’s a national tournament that draws teams from all over the U.S. and Canada, although it just happens to be held in our neck of the woods. We live in a suburb just outside Orlando.
At the tournament Katie’s team, Storm Elite, won all its games except one. Great job!
The Storm Elite girls horsing around after their final game in the President’s Cup.
The tournament isn’t progressive so there’s no event winner. It’s a series of showcase games designed for college coaches to observe and eventually recruit players for their teams.
As you can tell, I’m a huge supporter of youth sports and especially girls athletics. Here are my top 10 takeaways from this weekend’s events:
The Storm Elite girls after yet another first place tournament victory
Team sports for girls promotes confidence, perseverance and fitness.
Thanks for hearing me out on this topic unrelated to my usual copywriting fare. And I hope, if and when you have the opportunity, you’ll support youth sports, especially for girls.
Thank you for getting the work done so quickly. We love everything about this website copy! Looks amazing!
Anna Mandac
Ledger Lovers Co.
Cleveland, Ohio