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15 Tips to Bust Through Writer’s Block and Create Killer Copy

Get those creative juices flowing

Quick Tips to Defeat Writer’s Block

  1. Start with the easy stuff
  2. Break the job into pieces
  3. Do an outline; add details as you go
  4. Head over to Google or Chat GPT
  5. Revisit earlier successes
  6. See more writing tips below…

Remember that queasy feeling back in school when you had a term paper coming due? Every time you tried to write, you mind drew a blank. Now here you are with no worries of a bad grade, just a work assignment for which you’re being well paid, and still the words won’t come. Why did you ever agree to take on this project?

writer's block

Writing copy from scratch isn’t easy. But you can take steps to get your creative juices moving.

Anyone can feel devoid of inspiration, at least for a while. Writer’s block is a thing. Even the great Ernest Hemingway found writing difficult. “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed,” Hemingway once said.

While there’s no need to shed any blood, when you must get a copywriting assignment done, you can’t sit around waiting for a lightning strike of inspiration. It’s on you to push through and ignite your creative thinking. Here then, are some suggestions to help hurdle writer’s block and race toward the finish line with ease.

1. Start with the Easy Stuff

There’s nothing more intimidating than a blank document. All that white space. Where do you even begin?

If you said “at the beginning,” that’s a rule you’re imposing on yourself. You don’t have to write the copy in order. Start wherever you’re most comfortable.

You can first fill out the utility information. What’s the name of the project and client? What’s the job number? What’s the date? Your page might look something like this:

Healthcare Data Campaign

3 sales emails
January 30, 2024

Now at least you have something on the page. Next write up any of the sections you already know you need to include. For example, maybe you already know what the call-to-action should be – get more information, call, request a quote, view a demo, etc.

copywriter at work

It’s okay to write out of order. Start with whatever sections of the copy feel “easy” to give you a running start on the “hard” parts.

Or maybe you have a boilerplate paragraph about the company to go at the end. Perhaps you already have a sentence or key point in mind. even if you don’t know exactly how or where you’ll use it. Something – anything – on the page can be the little spark that lights your creative fire.

In the book Tools of Titans, author Tim Ferriss quotes movie director Robert Rodriquez talking about the creative process.

“Even if I don’t know what to do, I just have to begin. For a lot of people, that’s the part that holds them back the most. They think, ‘Well, I don’t have an idea, so I can’t start.’ But I know you’ll only get the idea once you start. It’s this totally reverse thing. You have to act first before inspiration will hit. You don’t wait for inspiration and then act, or you’re never going to act, because you’re never going to have the inspiration, at least not consistently.”

2. Break the Job into Manageable Pieces

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. If you have a large writing project that seems particularly daunting, break it into manageable chunks. Divide and conquer. As you complete each section, you’ll find momentum to move onto the next.

copywriter techniques

Of course nobody wants to eat an elephant, but if you did, you’d first have to break it into bite-size pieces. Do the same with an overwhelming copy assignment. Breaking it into small chunks will make it more palatable.

Or think of your writing project as a jigsaw puzzle. Start with the corners and edges; then focus on other specific areas that seem easy. As you fill in more pieces, you gain some speed and the image takes shape. The same process can work for writing.

3. Create an Outline

Even if you’re still gathering research, you can draft a preliminary outline. Note the major points you want to cover and flesh out some of those concepts with details if you know them, adding as your plan starts to take shape. An outline will help you organize your thoughts and keep you from forgetting facts you meant to include.

copywriter outline

An outline is a good starting point, adding details as you go to keep your writing organized.

Mystery writer Agatha Christie was known to craft a detailed outline before allowing herself to get lost in writing the story. It worked for her; it can work for you.

4. Head Over to Google, Chat GPT, or Amazon

You have some amazing resources right at your fingertips. Don’t hesitate to use them. Start doing some research. Familiarize yourself with the vocabulary of your subject matter. See what others are saying, being careful not to lift any of their content, of course.

You might even use Chat GPT to draft a few paragraphs just to get you started. Obviously, you’ll want to rewrite them to your style, but seeing the approach an artificial intelligence tool takes might be the force to get you rolling.

Also do a quick search on Amazon for books on your subject matter. Take a peek inside them at the table of contents. They may offer up important points you’ll want to include in your write-up.

5. Revisit Earlier Successes

Most likely you’ve written other pieces that are similar to what you’re currently creating. Take a look at them, noting their format, tone and style. Can you structure your new content the same way?

copywriter ideas

Feel your confidence dipping? Take a look at some of the other successful projects you’ve done to restore your can-do attitude.

Or perhaps the old piece has a few artful ideas you can apply like using callouts or sidebars. Revisiting earlier works doesn’t mean you have to follow the same guidelines; it’s just another way to spark some ideas while also helping you to maintain your confidence level.

6. Delegate tasks to others

Is there some part of the process you can assign to an assistant? If it frees you up to work on the more high-level part of the project, that could be an effective strategy.

Or, perhaps you can delegate some of your non-writing chores (cooking dinner, bathing the kids, etc.) to your partner, leaving you more time to focus on your writing task.

As a junior copywriter, my mentor, who was a world-class procrastinator, would task me with writing a first draft of her assignments. Although she often rewrote most of what I provided (a humbling experience for me), my draft was often enough to help her get started.

7. Get Rid of Clutter

If you’re doing research, you may have gathered multiple materials or perhaps the person who gave you the assignment sent you background material. Of course, you’ll want to go through it. But at some point, it can be overwhelming.

copywriter's desk

Keeping your thoughts organized when you’re surrounded by a mess is difficult. Do a little cleaning and straightening to help clear your workspace and your mind.

If the items are creating a messy environment for you to plow through, and you find yourself with a dozen open files on your desktop, set some of them aside, at least for now. Clearing the clutter can also help clear your head.

8. Eliminate Distractions

Create an environment conducive to your productivity. Turn off the TV, email and your Smartphone. Author Jeff Goins recommends that writers “eliminate distractions.” He uses Ommwriter, which offers multiple tools meant to improve focus and “provide your mind with an ideal setting for concentration.”

9. Avoid Comparisons

It’s easy to compare yourself to others and feel like you don’t measure up. You may know of other copywriters who can crank out near-perfect copy with almost no preparation. But that’s not you, so stop dwelling on it. 

“Comparison is soul-crushing and fruitless,” states NY Book Editors. “What’s the point of comparing yourself to someone else who will never be you? While your writing may never be perfect, it can be 100% authentically your own. Uniqueness is the best alternative to perfection. Cultivate a voice and storytelling style that cannot be compared to others.”

10. Set a Schedule. And Stick to It

Get in the habit of writing at the same time each day. A routine can help prepare you physically and mentally to get down to business. You’ll be less likely to procrastinate when you follow a set schedule.

copywriter's schedule

Establish a writing routine that pushes you to be disciplined and productive.

Every day Charles Dickens would wake up at 7:00, eat breakfast at 8:00, and was set and ready at 9:00 to write. Dickens would write for 4-5 hours until 2:00 P.M. Stephen King writes from 7:30 a.m. till noon most days. Other writers set a daily word count goal.

Whatever routine you set, treat it like your job. Show yourself no mercy when it comes to completing your writing assignment.

11. Use a Timer

Set a timer and tell yourself you have to keep working until the allotted time is up. The idea of imposing a time limit can keep you motivated to reach that final tick.

Meeting deadlines

Stop procrastinating. Start the timer and get to work. That page isn’t going to write itself!

An alternative is the Pomodoro Technique. This method is a time-management system that instills a sense of urgency. Break your workday into 25-minute focus periods followed by five-minute breaks. Each of these focus periods plus a break period is called a Pomodoro—after the tomato-shaped timer first used to test the method. You might be surprised how focused and productive you can be when working with a 25-minute deadline.

12. Choose Your Best Time of Day

What time of day is your most productive? “Find out when you’re most creative,” suggests Wordrake.  “For many people, creative tasks are easiest in the morning when it’s quiet and emails aren’t piling up. Others prefer writing late at night.”

Once you determine which hours are your best for challenging work, get in the habit of writing at those times to maximize your efficiency. 

copywriter at work

Are you a morning person or a night owl? Writing in the hours when you’re most productive can greatly increase your efficiency.

13. Write without Editing

If the words are flowing, just keep going! Feel free to write in a stream of consciousness. Don’t get hung up on the details like grammar, spelling and syntax. This isn’t the time to be a perfectionist and overthink minor details. It’s okay to write it wrong.

“Give yourself permission to write imperfectly,” suggests Reedsy blog. “Write what you’re thinking, whether it’s eloquent or not. You can then come back and refine it later.” Just get words from your head onto the screen (or paper) and let the good times roll!

14. Give Yourself a Break

If you’re really stumped for an idea, take a break. Let your subconscious play with the problem for a while. Go for a walk. Meditate. Take a brief nap. Read a book.

copywriting meditation

It’s okay to take a timeout. Step away from your screen briefly to clear your head. Then get back to the business of writing.

You might find that you’re struck by inspiration when driving, cooking dinner or taking a shower. If all else fails, give yourself permission to move on, at least temporarily. Work on a different assignment for a while, assuming your deadline has wiggle room, and then come back to your project when you’re ready.

15. Pros Push Through 

Creativity is a muscle that needs to be exercised regularly. The more you get in the habit of writing, the easier it gets.

Purdue University Global says the secret to overcoming writer’s block is simple: “Sit down at your computer and write. If you wait until you’re inspired, you’ll never do it.”

copywriter at work

If you’ve committed to do an assignment, not completing it or missing a deadline is unacceptable. You’re better than that.

The difference between professional writers and amateurs is that while both may face writer’s block at one time or another, the pro pushes through while the amateur gives up. Be a pro.

*  *  * 

If you’re not a DIY type, consider hiring a professional copywriter who can get the job done for you quickly and effectively. 

Contact Susan Greene

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