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Boost Your Website Traffic and Profits with Good Content

A Professional Copywriter Can Help You Become an Informational Resource

Did you know that good content can do more to enhance your business and profits than any other resource or service available?

Following is a list of five low-cost ways that content can help build your traffic, subscribers and customer base starting today!

website traffic SEO

Boost the traffic to your site and you’ll likely see an increase in your leads and sales as well.

1. Post keyword-rich articles on your website.

Your website shouldn’t just be a sales pitch for your product or service. Make it into an informational resource. Add quality articles and watch your site move up in search engine ranking and your web traffic increase.

For example, if your business involves offering products and services related to women’s health, posting health-related articles will enhance your ranking and thereby attract unlimited prospective customers on an ongoing basis.

2. Offer special reports as free bonuses for subscribing to your newsletter or blog.

Everyone loves a freebie, especially if it’s relevant to a subject in which they’re interested. So give them what they want and watch your subscriber base grows. Your newsletter or blog should also be highly informative, while doing a subtle job of selling and increasing your visibility in the marketplace.

3. Formulate a multi-part e-mail training course.

Provide good information to prospective customers in bite-size pieces via e-mail. You can sprinkle related website links to your products throughout the course.

Use an auto-responder service to automate the delivery of your training course (such as a seven-part training course delivered over a seven-day period).

Training courses can also serve as excellent bonus offers for prospective newsletter subscribers.

4. Cultivate your mailing list.

One of the most important keys to promoting a business online is not just having a mailing list or newsletter subscribers, it’s about building a trusting relationship with your subscribers.

How do you do that? Send informative articles (content) relevant to your industry to your list on a regular basis. This will help establish you as an expert in your field and build a rapport with your subscribers over time.

The result will be that your subscribers will eagerly consider any paid products and services you offer. Just make sure that you never take advantage of the relationship you’ve developed with your subscribers by offering products or services of poor quality.

5. Submit informative articles to e-zine websites and content-hungry newsletter and blog publishers.

E-zine websites and many e-newsletters and blogs welcome good content. In return for the copy you provide, your article or blog post will include a resource box. A resource box is a 3-6 line bio about you and/or your company, including a link to your site. It can even offer instructions on how to subscribe to your newsletter or blog.

Even one article can go a long way toward generating no-cost traffic by greatly increasing your company’s exposure and website visibility. Just imagine your article being sent out to a newsletter subscriber base of 100,000 individuals, many of whom will read the resource box and click on your URL to learn more about what you have to offer.

All five of the above ideas are ways to build your business by generating no-cost traffic with the help of articles and good content. If you aren’t comfortable writing content yourself, consider hiring a professional copywriter on a freelance basis. The investment will pay off in increased sales.

With the declining effectiveness of many traditional offline and online advertising methods, creating content is a welcome alternative as a means of generating unlimited website traffic, subscribers, and customers. Isn’t it time you gave it a try?

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