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Launch Your Website to the Top of Search Engines

Article Marketing is a Surefire Strategy 

search engine optimization

Your website should be search engine optimized to obtain the best ranking on Google.

Your website is complete, and you’re pleased with the way it looks. Now you want to see it rise in the search engine rankings. What can you do?

Add Content

Organic ranking is obtained through search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, that is, providing quality content that the search engines feel best answers a search query.

Yes, you already have a Home page, an About Us page, and Product pages, but how about adding some informative articles or blog posts? They can help you get traffic to your website and give you the expert status you need to take your business to the next level.

Write educational pieces, and you’ll make your website more than just a sales tool; it will become a valuable resource to people interested in your field.

The #1 reason that people search the web is to get information. If your site offers quality content, not only will Google steer traffic your way, but your visitors will be more likely to see your business as an authority in the industry and eventually become your customers.

What to Write About

What types of things can you write about? Anything related to your main topic. Say, for example, that your website is selling pet products. Think of some article or blog post ideas that might interest someone who comes to your site.

  • How about writing a review of a popular pet product?
  • Provide tips on house training your puppy.
  • Offer suggestions for pet nutrition.
  • Delve into dog psychology.
  • Describe the latest trends in pet fashions.

The list is endless. And the more articles or blog posts you add, the more impressive your website will be.

Provide Useful Information

The key to success through article writing or blogging is that your write-ups should be informative pieces, not sales hype. Remember, these are not your product or service pages. Your posts must tell the reader something new or interesting. You must provide value.

Your articles should include your main keywords, those niche words or phrases that will help your search engine ranking. Come up with an enticing headline.

Use subheads to make your copy scannable, since studies show that most visitors scan a page to find the information they are looking for, rather than reading the entire page. Break big chunks of text into multiple paragraphs or incorporate bullet points for easy reading.

If you add just one post per week, it won’t be long before your website becomes a trusted information source in its niche and rises in the search engine rankings.

Promote Your Posts

Writing posts isn’t enough. You need to put an equal amount of effort into promoting them. For example, use social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to attract readership. Search engines do take note of popularity on social media and factor it into their algorithm for determining rank.

Publishing articles or blog posts should be part of your long-term internet marketing program. Take your website and your business up a notch by putting this surefire strategy to work for you.

Work with a Freelance Copywriter

If you can’t write copy yourself, or if writing isn’t the best use of your time, consider working with a freelance copywriter. Yes, it’s worth the expense; good content is that important.

The time or money you invest in copywriting will give you a solid return by helping to attract new customers, build your brand and grow your business.

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Contact Susan Greene

Good content can help your website rise on the search engines.  Get professional copywriting assistance.

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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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