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Do You Need a Website Copywriter? 

Yes! And Here Are 10 Solid Reasons Why

You want to accelerate the growth of your business.

Have you been struggling to write copy for your website on your own? Or perhaps that task just keeps being put aside by other more pressing issues? That’s the plight of many entrepreneurs trying to fit in marketing their business with the many priorities demanding their attention.

Why not consider getting help? Hiring a professional copywriter may be more affordable than you think, and it doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing proposition. You can have a website copywriter compose just your most important pages, like Home, About Us and FAQs.

If the result is copy that’s effective at generating sales, you could see a hefty return on your investment in professional copywriting. Let’s take a look at some of the variables you should keep in mind.

Looking to hire a website copywriter? Get a quote on your project here.

Why Hire a Website Copywriter?

  1. You don’t have time to write your website.
  2. You’re too close to your business.
  3. You’ve never written website copy before.
  4. You don’t know what voice to use in your writing.
  5. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a mystery to you.
  6. Your website must fit with your brand.
  7. You don’t write conversationally.
  8. You don’t know how to write a compelling call-to-action.
  9. You’ve already invested money in a custom website design.
  10. You want to accelerate the growth of your business.

There’s the list of the 10 best reasons to hire a website copywriter. Now let’s break it down…

1. You don’t have time to write your website.

You probably could fit copywriting into your overloaded schedule, but it wouldn’t be soon and it definitely wouldn’t be the best use of your time. Good writing is hard. It takes time. A website copywriter can usually produce your content more quickly and more effectively than you can. And that frees up time for you to do more important things, like generate sales.

Writing a website

Writing a website is difficult and frustrating when it’s not something you do every day.

Tell the truth. Wouldn’t you be enormously relieved if someone took the task of copywriting your website off your hands? And wouldn’t it probably get done a whole lot quicker too? Call a website copywriter and get it done already!

Request a free quote on your copywriting project here.

2. You are too close to your business.

There is such a thing as knowing too much.  When you’ve been working in your industry for a while, you become an expert.  That’s a good thing.  But unfortunately, most of your prospective customers aren’t at your level. Start talking to them about the details of your business and you’ll make their head spin.

Writing about your business

When writing about your business, avoid jargon and use terms your visitor will recognize.

You need a copywriter who can write about your products or services in simple, easy-to-understand, jargon-free terms fit for the layperson who doesn’t have your background in the industry.

You also want someone who has the marketing skills to translate your product’s features into tangible benefits that make the reader think, “Yes, that’s exactly what I want!”

3. You’ve never written website copy before.

Sure you’ve written newsletters, articles, letters and reports, and maybe your high school English teacher said you had talent, but writing for the web is completely different. That’s because people read online copy differently than they do printed materials.

If you don’t know how to hook them with clever headlines, enticing subheads, snappy bullets and other tricks of the trade, they’ll simply click off your site. A professional copywriter studies these techniques and can apply them with creativity to your web copy to engage readers.

A pro also knows how to sell a product and be persuasive without sounding “salesy.” Nobody wants to feel they’re being sold to. Pushy selling tactics belong on used car lots, not on your company website.

Consider hiring a website copywriter. Get a quote on your project here.

4. You don’t know what voice to use in your website content.

Should you write in first, second or third person? Should you write in present or past tense? Should you use active or passive voice? Should you write as though you’re talking to one person or the masses? If you don’t get it right, your copy will sound awkward.

Writing copy

Writing copy that flows and sounds natural is a skill that takes practice.

You also want to be sure your “copy voice” accurately targets your prospective customers. There’s a big difference between writing copy to entice a new mom versus say a Fortune 500 business owner, teen girl or  senior citizen. Word selection and delivery matter.

Website copywriters know what works best, and that knowledge is based on years of hands-on, tried-and-true experience not guesswork or gut feelings.

5. Search engine optimization is a mystery to you.

You want your website to organically show up on Google, Bing and other  search engines, right? After all, that’s free advertising. Your competitors certainly seem to understand its value.

Get your website listed on page 1 for your main keywords and you’ll have an endless flow of new customers knocking at your virtual door. On a personal note, my website (the one you’re reading now) ranks on page 1 of Google for my main keywords. In fact, that’s probably how you found me. I average over 150 new-business inquiries per month! Cost=0!

SEO copywriter

SEO is a necessity if you want your site to come up in search results on Google.

If you don’t know how to identify keywords, incorporate those keywords into your text, and then create correct title tags and meta-descriptions, your website will be invisible to the search engines and to potential new customers too!

SEO copywriters not only study what works best on search engines; they stay current. Google is continually refining its algorithms that determine site placement in search results. What worked last year or even last month may not be effective today. In fact, what worked last year may even get you a penalty this year, banishing your website to online Siberia.

A copywriter who is immersed daily in search engine optimization keeps tabs on industry trends and tactics and applies best practices to help your site garner priority positions for your main keywords, all while using white hat (ethical), Google-approved techniques.

Contact an SEO-savvy copywriter for a quote on your project.

6. You want your website to fit with your brand.

To maximize the impact of your marketing efforts, your website should be part of your comprehensive marketing mix. It should reflect your brand’s voice. A website copywriter can look at all the elements–brochures, ads, press releases, sales letters, etc.–and create web content that strategically complements these other tools in your sales arsenal.

All promotional materials should be cohesive, working together to establish your brand and stake your claim in the market. They should use the same working for consistency throughout your brand. That’s the best way to leverage your investment in marketing and increase your ROI.

7. You don’t write conversationally.

Despite what you learned in high school English, your copywriting shouldn’t read like a term paper or a business report. B-O-R-I-N-G!

Website copy should sound casual and conversational, almost like you are chatting with a friend. Sentences should be short and paragraphs limited to one key thought each for easy comprehension.

While good spelling and grammar are important, of course, what’s most critical in composing web copy is the writing style.

Proofread your work

Web copy should be error-free and written in an engaging style to hold the reader attention.

The truth is that formal writing makes most people yawn. (Sorry Mrs. Butler in English 101; I know you meant well.)  No one wants to visit a website that reads like a term paper. 

There’s an awful lot of exciting media competing for the visitor’s attention. If your website copy isn’t compelling, if it doesn’t reach out and grab your visitor by the lapels, if it doesn’t answer their burning questions, they won’t be interested in learning about your products and capabilities.

website copy

Good website copy can generate leads to fuel your sales pipeline.

8. You don’t know how to write a compelling call-to-action.

A good website does more than just provide information. It motivates  visitors to take the next step, whether that’s to call you for more information, subscribe to your newsletter, book an appointment, or place an order. When visitors click off your site without doing one of those things, you’ve lost them!

A professional website copywriter can choose the right words to resonate with your visitors and inspire them to take action. Good copy tells, compels and sells! After all, you’re not offering a public service. You’re running a business, and you need results!

Get a free quote on your website copywriting project here.

9. You’ve already invested lots of money in a custom website design.

Right, so now, don’t blow it! Pictures and words go hand-in-hand. Pretty graphics are nice, but without good copy, your investment in web design will be a waste.  It’s like you’ve driven halfway across the bridge, but now you’re at a standstill in the middle.  Keep moving forward and get to the other side. That’s where your sales will happen!

Good web design and copy go hand-in-hand.

Good web design gets you halfway. Good copy gets you across the bridge to sales!

Powerful web copy seals the deal. Words sell.  And when paired with quality design, they create your most persuasive marketing tool.

The best way to stand out among the millions of companies on the web is to have good content. Many websites are poorly written and poorly organized. You’ve probably read plenty that shocked you with their bad English and confusing organization. That’s not how you inspire online trust.

Even some of the best websites are downright blah. These wastes of cyberspace don’t get results. That’s probably why the back key on your keyboard is always the first one to wear out!

Great writing can give you the edge that attracts a customer to buy from you instead of your competition.  It makes you look smart and trustworthy. It’s impactful, relevant and relatable. It builds your brand and creates trust for it, which in turn grows your business.

Consider hiring a website copywriter. Get a quote on your project here.

Take Your Business to the Next Level

You received an “A” in freshman English and your teacher even said you had a knack for writing. You’ve written plenty of business reports and documents. And your significant other saved all your love letters. So, do you really need to hire a professional copywriter to write your company website? I hope by now you know the answer is a full-throated yes!

When you hire a professional web copywriter, someone who brings proven skills and marketing experience to the job, you can be confident in the content she creates. It feels right. You’re proud of how your website reads and can’t wait for customers to land on it. The money you invest in that copy should come back to you many times over in the leads and sales it generates for your business.

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Contact Susan Greene

A website copywriter can make your site more effective at generating leads and sales?

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Amazing work!

Hi Susan. We all love your amazing work! We will send the rest of the payment right away. Please proceed now with the social media assignment. We are excited to again see your lovely writing!

Phuong Tran
Digital Marketing Manager
Thao & Co.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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