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Susan Greene — Just a Girl Who Likes to Write

A professional copywriter describes how she built her business

Susan Greene, freelance copywriter

Become a successful copywriter. If I can do it, you can too!

When you’ve been in business for several years and have achieved at least a modest level of success, you’re likely to be asked by others about your journey. As a well-established copywriter, I frequently get emails from people seeking guidance as they begin their writing career as well as various media sites requesting an interview or even just a few tips to help junior copywriters get their start. 

What follows below are links to some of those interviews. Perhaps they will help answer questions you have about entering the field of copywriting.

However, keep in mind that the best way to learn is by doing. Consuming information about your craft is a good beginning but it is just a beginning. Implementing what you learn in completing copywriting assignments — whether for school or for clients — is where you’ll gain skills and confidence.

  1. Starter Story — On Becoming a Successful Copywriter
  2. Resources for Entrepreneurs — Starting a Freelance Copywriter Business
  3. American Writers & Artists Institute — Living the Writer’s Life: Susan Greene | How One Woman’s $3 Writing Prize Turned into a Lifelong Career
  4. The Story Exchange — She’s Been Crafting Copy Since the Birth of Business Websites
  5. Quips & Tips for Successful Writers — Thriving as a Copywriter in Today’s Competitive Market  (Note: The website that originally published this interview is no longer operating, so the link goes to a page where the interview was recreated.)
  6. The Actual Marketing Show — Grow Your Freelance Business Like Successful Copywriter Susan Greene
  7. Winbound — How to Write Technical Content When You’re Not So, Uh, Technical | See item by Susan Greene about 2/3 down on the page
  8. — 50 Top Female Content Marketers | See item #45
  9. SpeechSilver –17 Copywriting Blogs Every Marketer Must Read To Write Better |See item #16
  10. Luciano Viterale — 15 Places to Find the Best Copywriters for Hire | See item #8
  11. BrightLocal — Reviews of Susan Greene’s Work

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Amazing work!

Hi Susan. We all love your amazing work! We will send the rest of the payment right away. Please proceed now with the social media assignment. We are excited to again see your lovely writing!

Phuong Tran
Digital Marketing Manager
Thao & Co.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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