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Seeking Professional Copywriting Services?  Here’s What You Need to Know

Top 10 FAQs for Hiring a Copywriter

Seeking copywriting services? You’ll want to find the best copywriter for your type of project.

Get Answers to These Questions

  1. What copywriting services do you offer?
  2. How should I choose a copywriter for my project?
  3. How important is writing experience in my industry?
  4. Do you offer design services along with copywriting?
  5. How will you obtain information to write my copy?
  6. When done, who owns the copy?
  7. What if I don’t like the copy once it’s been written?
  8. How much do copywriting services cost?
  9. Any risk of add-on or hidden costs?
  10. What are typical payment terms?

Need help with copywriting? Get a quote.

If you’re selling products or services, you need marketing materials.  You want prospective customers to be able to find you and gain a quick understanding of who you are and what you’re offering.  A professional copywriter offering copywriting-as-a-service can compose content for your marketing materials to help you generate leads and sales.

Most small to mid-sized companies don’t have the budget or volume of work to justify hiring a full-time copywriter, so they hire a freelance copywriter, essentially a contractor, to provide copywriting services on a per-project basis.  But finding the right person involves doing some homework.

To get you started, here are the 10 most commonly asked questions and answers for hiring a freelance copywriter.

1.  What are some common copywriter services available for purchase?

Copywriters can provide written content for any of the following items and more:

 2.  How should I choose a copywriter?

Assuming you don’t have a referral from a friend or coworker, search Google for freelance copywriters or copywriters in your industry such as copywriter for clean technology industry, beauty copywriter or healthcare copywriter. You can also search by geographic area such as copywriters in Florida.

Once you find a writer’s website, start by looking at writing samples.  Most copywriters have an online portfolio or examples posted on their website.  Read through samples; don’t just look at the pretty graphics.  Determine if you like their writing style and are impressed with the quality of their work.

writing samples

Before hiring a freelance copywriter, ask to see samples of her work.

Once you zero in on a freelance copywriter whose services fit your needs, you’ll want to inquire about the copywriter’s rates and availability. As you might expect, more experienced copywriters charge more than people new to the field.  Also, specialists (i.e. technical writers or healthcare copywriters) charge more than generalists.

When you communicate with the copywriter you’re considering, be sure you will like working with her.  You don’t have to become her best friend, but you will need to interact with her.  You’d prefer to work with someone who is pleasant and upbeat, right? Seek out reviews about the copywriter by Googling her name and the word “reviews.” Client testimonials can tell you a lot about the service provider.

Also note whether she follows through on commitments.  For example, if she tells you she’ll get you a proposal by a certain date and time, she needs to deliver.

With regard to availability, let the copywriter know your timeline or what deadline you are trying to meet, so she can tell you what her schedule will allow.  These days, many copywriters operate at capacity and have a queue of projects that can span several weeks or even months.

copywriting services

Communicate the deadline for your project up front so the copywriter can tell you if she can meet it.

You should be aware that some copywriting services companies that take on your projects have sub-contractors do the work.  Because these service companies pay low rates, most of the copywriters hired by them are inexperienced or foreign (English is their second language).  The result is the quality of their copy may not be the best. Make sure to ask for writing samples from the person who will actually be doing your work and then choose wisely.

3.  How important is it that the copywriter has direct experience in my industry?

If you can find a copywriter who has previously done writing in your field, you’ll certainly save time and energy bringing that individual up to speed.  But don’t let that be the only deciding factor.  Having direct industry experience isn’t a necessity for most projects unless the subject matter is highly technical.

copywriting as a service

A copywriter who’s familiar with your industry is a great place to start. But a generalist copywriter is also very capable and likely able to offer a different perspective.

Many copywriters are generalists and can do the necessary research to write about subjects that are new to them.  Nonetheless, be sure to provide your copywriter with good information to help shorten the learning curve.

It’s worth mentioning too, that you don’t need to find a copywriter who is local. You can work with a freelancer based anywhere in the world via phone, Zoom and email. And these days, most copywriters, even if they are local, will try to avoid in-person meetings. When combined with travel, they’re too time-consuming. Every minute that a copywriter isn’t writing is lost billable time.

Need help with copywriting? Get a quote.

4.  Do copywriters also offer design services?

No, copywriting and graphic design or web design are different disciplines. You’ll want to find people who specialize. So, for example, if you’re creating a brochure, you’ll need a graphic designer.

graphic designer

Need pictures to accompany the copywriting? Work with a graphic or web designer.

If you’re creating a website, you’ll likely need a copywriter and a web designer.  You might also need a web developer to do the site’s programming/coding.

Often copywriters have professional relationships or partnerships with graphic designers and web designers/developers and can easily refer you to someone they trust.  Some copywriters will also offer project management services, overseeing all vendors involved in the project and ensuring all your objectives are met.

5.  How do copywriters obtain the information they need to write?

The process typically begins with a phone call or Zoom meeting to discuss the project.  You may then want to connect the copywriter with a subject matter expert (SME) within your organization who can provide additional background and context.

Experienced copywriters will help move the process along by asking pointed questions and requesting the information she needs.

copywriting services

Connect your copywriter with a subject matter expert at your company to help her understand your business.

Most copywriters will also do research on their own, including reading relevant books, looking at competitor websites and seeking out articles online.

6.  Who owns the copy that the copywriter creates?

If you pay a copywriter for a custom project, you own the copy.  That means you can use it, or not use it, any way that you like.  Some companies will leverage their investment in professional copywriting by repurposing the content.

For example, I recently was hired by a data company to write a short report on current industry trends.  From that report, the client was able to do some creative editing and generate an ad, a sales letter and two blog posts, thereby spreading the cost of professional copywriting over multiple projects.

professional copywriter

Because copywriting is typically a custom job, the client pays a project fee and has full ownership of the copy to use any way they’d like.

I should mention too that you own the copyright (note the spelling) to the copy so no one can legally use it without your permission.  It’s all yours.

7.  What if I don’t like what the copywriter has written?

Copywriters are not mind-readers, so be sure you tell them what you’re envisioning before they put pen to paper.  Once they submit a first draft, you should review it and then provide constructive feedback.  Tell them what you like and don’t like.  Be specific.  If there’s anything you left out but now want to include, this is the time to speak up.  Repeat the writing and review process until you’re satisfied with the final project.

Most copywriters include one or two sets of revisions in the project price.  Often though, you won’t need to request any major rewrites.  A talented copywriter provided with good information should be able to nail the copy within one or two drafts.

8.  How much do copywriting services cost?

Most copywriters charge one of four ways:

  1. Hourly rate — Multiple the hourly rate by the number of hours estimated for the project. Typically in the range of $50 – $200 per hour
  2. Per word rate — Can range from .20 per word to $1+ per word depending on the writer’s experience level and the complexity of the project
  3. Project rate — Cost to complete all work specified in the project parameters. Depends on scope and complexity of project. Can include research, meetings, outlines, copy, revisions, etc.
  4. Retainer fee — Anywhere from a few hundred to thousands per month, giving the client guaranteed use of the copywriter or copywriting team for a specified minimum number of hours and often with allowances to exceed that number for additional fee. Retainer fees are for larger clients with ongoing, substantial copywriting needs.
skilled copywriters

Ask your copywriter to provide you with a firm quote before beginning your writing project.

Be sure the quote you receive accurately spells out the parameters of the project, so you know the copywriter understands what is required and quotes accordingly.

If a project is difficult to define up front, and new variables may ultimately affect the amount of work needed, the copywriter can quote the project in stages once certain benchmarks are achieved or she may be able to give a total will-not-exceed number for the whole project.

Generally speaking, copywriting services are probably more affordable than you think. And the amount you pay for professional copywriting usually delivers a significant return on investment through additional sales and revenue.

Need help with copywriting? Get a quote.

9.  Are there any possible add-on charges I need to know about before hiring a copywriter?

 The types of issues that result in add-on charges are:

  • Rush Turnarounds – You’ll pay more if you’re asking the copywriter to work nights or weekends to meet your deadline.
  • Change of Scope – The project was quoted one way, but as it progressed, additional components or requirements were added. An example might be the 4-page brochure that expands with enough content to fill 8 pages.  The original price no longer matches the project description and needs to be revised.
  • Change of Focus – The project was quoted and executed one way. But now, looking at the result, the client has decided to change direction resulting in a major rewrite.  An example is writing a web page targeting one specific demographic and then deciding you would be better served by targeting a different demographic. That’s a curve ball you’ve thrown the copywriter, and she’ll likely charge for her additional time to change her approach.
marketing copywriter

If you change the scope or focus of your project mid-course, expect to pay an additional fee to cover the copywriter’s time.

10.  What are typical payment terms for copywriters?

Most copywriters require a 50% deposit up front before beginning your project.  The balance is due upon successful completion of the work.

For large copywriting projects that can last several weeks or months, you may want to set benchmarks along the way with the copywriting receiving a portion of the total fee as each benchmark is reached. After you’ve established an ongoing relationship with a copywriter, you may be able to negotiate terms to eliminate the deposit and instead pay the full project amount upon completion.

professional writer

You can work with your copywriter to develop a cohesive marketing plan that generates sales and promotes your brand.

Once you find a copywriter whose style you like and with whom you enjoy working, establish an ongoing relationship.  Whenever you need marketing copy, you now have someone you can call, and you won’t have to take the time to tell her about your company.  She’ll already have that foundation.

Most copywriters also have marketing experience.  They can be a great resource for you.  Don’t hesitate to get their input on your promotional materials.  They can help you establish a direction and make recommendations for building your brand.

Ready to speak with a professional copywriter? Get a quote on your copywriting project.

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Contact Susan Greene

Interested in obtaining copywriting services?  Let’s talk about your copywriting needs.

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Amazing work!

Hi Susan. We all love your amazing work! We will send the rest of the payment right away. Please proceed now with the social media assignment. We are excited to again see your lovely writing!

Phuong Tran
Digital Marketing Manager
Thao & Co.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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