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Why Your Business Desperately Needs SEO

Maximize the Effectiveness of Your Website

search engine optimization

Use search engine optimization to improve your ranking on Google and increase your web traffic.

When you want a product or service, where do you look first?  If you’re like 80% of online consumers, you head right to Google.  Over 60 million people use search engines daily.  That’s why if you own a small- or medium-sized business, you can’t afford to ignore this massive audience.

It all starts with a company website.  But simply having a site isn’t enough.  If you want that site to bring in new business, it has to rank well on the search engines.  Your site must appear within the first two pages of results (and preferably page one) or your prospective clients likely won’t discover it.  But they will find your competition.

By implementing search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, your website can gain exposure.  SEO is the process of writing and designing your website so that it ranks well on search engines like Google and Bing for your main keywords.

While you can purchase an ad to appear in those search results, it’s the natural ranking bestowed free by the search engines that brings the best results.

Get your website onto the first page of Google, and you’ll reap these exciting benefits:

  1. More Visitors – Increase the traffic coming to your website and you increase your exposure to potential customers. Studies show that 91% of search engine users don’t click past page one of search results (and that probably includes you). So your site must come up in the top 10 for its main keywords, or it’s virtually invisible.
  2. Quality Leads – Prospects who find you via a search engine are specifically seeking your product or service. These are targeted visitors who are likely to buy.
  3. A Lasting Impression – You can buy ads in magazines and newspapers or on TV and radio. But once the ad has run, it’s gone and most likely forgotten. All you can do is hope that your prospects saw your name and remember it should they ever have a need for your product.By contrast, once you’ve successfully optimized a keyword phrase, it can linger in the top 10 search results for months, sometimes years, delivering relevant traffic to your site 24/7.
  4. Brand Recognition – SEO gives you a chance to differentiate your business from your competitors. With the right website positioning you can become an industry leader and rise to the top of the search engines for your niche.In fact, you may even be able to grow your brand beyond local boundaries. If you have a truly unique product or service, you can use SEO to gain ranking and attract clients from all over the world.
  5. Credibility – If your website appears in the top 10 organic search results of Google, your business will be perceived as the authority in its field. You get excellent visibility and instant credibility, making you attractive to potential clients and other professionals who could refer business your way.

The online marketplace for products and services is crowded.  SEO can help you stand out in the ocean of competitor websites.  It’s affordable yet provides more lasting exposure than most other forms of marketing.  And the search engine traffic that results can thrust your business to new levels of success.  

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Contact Susan Greene

Could your existing website benefit from improved search engine ranking? Consider working with an SEO copywriter, one who can make the content on your website appeal to both the search engines and prospective customers.

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